Friday, October 9, 2015

Tee Shirt Refashion: The Yellow Monstrosity

So, here's the thing about being plus-sized and lumpy: Tee shirts suck. Hard. All the cute ones are made for tiny twiggy chicks, and all the ones that come in my size are either matronly or manly. Nothing fits right, especially the ones I actually want. 

I've been toying with the idea of modifying some shirts to improve their fit, and tonight I finally busted out the sewing machine for the maiden voyage. 

I chose a shirt that no one in the house was using and put it on. Too big for The Hubbs, all kinds of wrong for me. 


Then I cut another shirt into strips, hacked some side seams into the yellow monstrosity and spent some quality time with my pin cushion. 

Four straight lines later, and this is the result:

Not too shabby, eh?

'Specially since I had fully expected my first attempt to be a big, fat flop. Turns out the shirt I expected to throw out may just stick around for a while after all. Hell, I think I may even LIKE it now! 

And I have a sneaking suspicion I've found a new hobby. 

'Till next time,