Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Crochet Wine Cork Evergreen Trees

Hey, y'all!

We're all about finding different uses for things around here.  All kinds of things, really...but this time it's about the wine corks.

They're pretty and rustic, and - though I don't care for wine myself - I know a lot of folks who go through these things on a pretty consistent basis.

I've been trying for a while to figure out what the heck I can possibly incorporate them into with my crochet, and I think I finally found it: miniature evergreen trees!

The little guys measure about 3" tall, and the bigger ones are approximately 5" tall, give or take.  All have been constructed using acrylic yarn, wine corks and tacky glue.

The super-cool part?  I can use old yarn scraps that are too big to throw away but too small to start a full-sized project.  It all comes full-circle, I guess, with this desire to minimize waste.  :)

'Til next time,