Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Okay, so I have this problem.  I know I can't be the only one...I just know it.

All I really want to do, like all the time, is crochet.  My problem is my (lack of) attention span.  I start projects with the greatest of intentions only to find myself excitedly chasing after some newer, shinier project when I'm not even done with the last great thing yet.  Seriously, people, I've got whiplash here.

And so my house is becoming a graveyard of sorts, where the unfinished projects go to die.  I'm hoping this trend of overwhelming inspiration eventually gives way to a calmer time, a time in which I can nurse these poor unfinished projects back to health and display them proudly as finished pieces.

But for now, I gotta is kinda fun. ;)


  1. Oh, I'm totally the same with knitting. I have so many unfinished projects. I'm STILL working on the Harry Potter scarf I started when #6 was still in theaters. I feel your pain :)

  2. Definitely there with you! Hello, 3 Etsy shops that have nothing in common with each other? I too have tons of half finished projects that I am trying to wrangle back in to finish. Here's hoping we can all be a little less ADD. :)
