Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Whole Kitten Caboodle

Editor's Note: This post was originally entitled "The Whole Kitty Brood."  My mother-in-law pointed out the fact that I missed out on an amazing pun opportunity, so the title has since been changed.  :)

If you can't tell by now, I'm kind of proud of these little guys.  Here's a family picture, taken just before they left on their long journey home.

Good luck, guys.  I'll miss you!


  1. You missed the opportunity to say kitten caboodle! You don't get that opportunity often!!!

  2. Shoot, you're right! From this point forward, these three kitties shall be known as the Kitten Caboodle. Can't believe I missed that!

  3. Can't wait for them to arrive, they are adorable in photos, I'm sure even more so in person. :)

  4. You should hopefully have them either today or tomorrow. Let me know when they arrive...I'm dying to hear what you think of them in person!

  5. I can't wait to see them next to their real life counter parts =D
