One day I will complete another project, I swear. For now, I'm hoarding all the supplies and patterns I can get my grubby little fingers on. The front corner of my living room has been taken over by crochet supplies - yarn, hooks, stuffing, eyes, embroidery floss, felt, flowers, and books are currently plotting to take over the entire room. Not to mention the purse handles. Hell, they could be an army in and of themselves.
One day I'll get it under control. Really, I will. But it's hard when you live in a small house with no extra room for anything, and both grown-ups in the household are big-time into different hobbies. For now, we will live in chaos. After all, it seems to suit us.
As if I wasn't doing a good enough job on my own of trying to infiltrate the living room with extra supplies, my birthday was this past week. My folks - God love 'em - went nuts at the craft store, apparently picking up all that was left of their cotton yarn during a sale.
One day I'll find a place for it. No, even better, one day I will make this beautiful yarn into a collection of interesting projects.
One day.