Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Not Your Grandmother's Doily

Okay, so I've had this yarn for months.  I bought one of those 3-packs of coordinating colors with one multicolor ball, and I've been dying to make a purse out of two of those three balls of yarn.

What to do with the third...how about a lacy wrap inspired by old-fashioned lace doilies?  I also used the multicolor for the edging, which (I think) adds a nice little pop to the finished piece.

Pay no attention to the kitchen mess in the background...I was messing around with the timer on my camera, and this was the only place I could set it at the right height.  :)

This wrap measures about 48" across, and has been crocheted completely by hand using 100% cotton yarn.  Want one?  Let me know, and we can talk colors and materials.