Monday, September 19, 2011

Amigurumi: Momma Squirrel

This momma squirrel is sweet, cuddly, and just a bit mischievious. She likes to explore the house when no one's looking, and her very favorite thing to do is torment dogs.

I made her completely by hand using acrylic yarn, embroidery floss, safety eyes, and polyester fiber filling. She stands about 6.5" tall to the top of her head, and 8" or so if you count her poofy tail. Her pretty little face measures almost 4" wide at the cheeks.

Adopt her on Etsy!


  1. Out of curiosity, what makes a "safety eye"?

  2. They're plastic...kind of look like screws with rounded heads, and they have large snap-on permanent backings that make it impossible for little fingers to remove them. Totoro has safety eyes, and so does Gromit. :)
