Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Photography: Birds

Autumn is my favorite time of year.  This particular autumn, our family "thing" is exploring the state parks around our house.  In our county, there are over 100 miles of hiking trails, and our goal is to get to know them all.

One place, in particular, has begun to feel a lot like home.  We end up here at least a few times a week, probably because it's so close and it has such a variety of habitats.  We get to see lots of wildlife and interesting plants here.

Today, I'd like to share some of my favorite bird pictures from this park...enjoy!

Mallard duck drake

Great blue heron

Mute swan

Sandhill crane

Wood duck

Mallard duck

Oh, and for those of you worrying that I'm not posting crochet stuff, rest assured: it's coming.  I just feel like I need to spend as much time outside as I can before it starts getting dark too early to enjoy it after work.

'Til next time,

P.S. And I shouldn't have to say it, but these photos are all mine.  Steal 'em, and I'll poop on your foot.


  1. Absolutely amazing! Looking forward to seeing more. You have a real talent for photography.


  2. Heh, poop on your foot. Heh, she said "poop".
