Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Simple Round Coasters

Hey, y'all!

Okay, so I've been looking for multicolor round coasters, and I've hit a dead end.  All of the ones I find are either too spendy or not quite right as far as the colors go.

The solution?  Make my own.

I've had a lot of fun making these little guys in a ton of different colors, and I have ideas for rugs, blankets and other things using them as motifs...stay tuned for more on that.

These were all made using super-bulky yarn (Lion Brand Hometown USA, for the most part) and an aluminum N hook.  I'll be posting a pattern before too long, which I'm really excited about.  There are so many things scribbled on napkins and note pads around here, and I'm starting to take some time to compile them into something that's legible to people who aren't already inside of my head.  ;)

'Til next time,


  1. The photos really pick up the color well.

  2. I found two coasters here so we'll ship them off to you asap. They looked so beautiful and I can't wait to see them as a rug or something.
