Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Bluebirds For Joy

Finally, I can post this!  I completed this project two months ago, and I've been hiding it ever since.  You see, my sister (in-law) is preggers again, and I've been going gaga for baby stuff ever since I found out.  Before she was even showing, this present was done, and I had every intention of saving it for her baby shower.

Well, Jello came over on Saturday while I was at school...and while I was in class I realized that it was still hanging in the front window.  Oops!  Naturally, she'd already seen it, so there was really no need to wait.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the "Bluebirds For Joy" mobile:

Forgive me for the repetitive's just that this was my first-ever 3-d project, and I'm so stinkin' proud of it.  Every little piece - with the exception of the little ring at the top for hanging - has been constructed by hand, and I redesigned the flowers after a scuffle with the pattern.

And, now that J already has this, I can work on figuring out what I want to make for the shower.  :)


  1. We all love our new mobile here. Kaitie likes to wear the hanging ring on her wrist and drag the whole thing around the house as a bracelet. It's hilarious. Love you guys!!!

  2. That is the cutest damned thing I've ever heard. I can just see her truckin' around corners with the bluebirds trailin' behind. Too adorable! Kiss those little cheeks for me, k? Love you guys right back, lady. :)
